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Festivus is a secular holiday created by the father of one of the writers of Seinfeld; They work it into the show as a holiday created by George’s father - frank costanza after he fought with another father at a store while trying to buy a doll for George when he was a child. Frank created it as a way to escape the pressure and commercialization of Christmas.


He describes wanting to escape the commercialization of Christmas – not the religious aspects. However,  when he creates this holiday it does not contain any religious aspects, suggesting that the creators of Seinfeld feel that Christmas is no longer a religious holiday and is celebrated by anyone, and has lost its religiosity. 


Described as a “festivus for the rest of us”

---It is celebrated on December 23,

---There is an aluminium pole used in place of a Christmas tree

---There is a festivus dinner after which the

---Airing of the grievances takes place, a time when you tell everyone how they disappointed you that year

---Followed by the feats of strength in which the head of household challenges one other member of the family to wrestle. Festivus is only over when the head of household has been pinned.


Events that are easily explained at described as “festivus miracles” during this time.


Today, this holiday is celebrated worldwide, for example,  a judge in California allowed a prisoner to receive a special meal to celebrate the holiday.




























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